Homeless Link is working with health and homelessness providers in your area to look at how services for homeless people with mental health and substance use needs - dual needs - can be improved.
There are many definitions of "dual needs" and "dual diagnosis". For the purpose of this survey we are using the locally agreed definition as follows:
Homeless: rough sleepers; single homeless people in supported accommodation and Oak House; and those at imminent risk of homelessness as identified by Floating Support.
Dual need: any individual who has identified themselves as having both mental health and substance use needs (drug or alcohol) regardless of diagnosis.
We want to talk to services about their experiences of working with these clients and other services and hear your ideas. The survey will ask you about:
numbers of clients you work with who have dual needs
what services you provide and what you can access from others
difficulties you face when working with homeless people with dual needs
what works well
ideas for improvement
Your answers will help inform an action plan to improve services.
A paper version of this survey is available to stimulate discussion in your team. Answers should be provided via this electronic survey.
We are keen to hear from as many services as possible so please do forward this link to any additional people who you think may be able to assist.
If you have any trouble completing this survey, please contact Joanne Thomas who will assist.
There are 34 questions in this survey.