Welcome to this survey. It is intended for managers of homelessness, mental health and substance use services within innovation areas. The survey should be completed ONCE ONLY for each service (e.g. if you are responsible for two services, please complete this once for each.)
There are many definitions of "dual needs" and "dual diagnosis". For the purpose of this survey we are using the locally agreed definition as follows:
Dual need: anyone with needs around substance use and mental health, as identified by themselves or by services working with them
Homeless: single homeless, families, and rough sleepers who are:
Assessed by the Gateway team
Picked up by the police custody mental health team
Supported when leaving prison by CAN workers
Supported by voluntary sector service providers
The survey is intended to determine numbers of clients affected, barriers to accessing and using services, awareness of services, and current good practice.
We are keen to hear from as many services as possible so please do forward this link to any additional people who you think may be able to assist.
If you have any trouble completing this survey, please contact Joanne Thomas who will assist.
There are 48 questions in this survey.